Saturday, June 8, 2013

First Post

Welcome to my first post for X501 - Marketing in the era of digital technology!

I have been at my second Kelley Connect Week and this is the first day I've had a chance to dive into this course.  Blogging is not something I do regularly, and I'm not sure how it fits in with my every day life, but I'm looking forward to using it as a tool to reflect on the material for this course.  I'm also looking forward to hopefully figuring out what Twitter is all about.   I've had an account for probably four years and haven't used it because I haven't found a use for it yet!  Hopefully this class will change that for me.  Personal branding is also something I have an interest in.  After I have my MBA, I'm going to be looking for jobs and it is important to be aware of my online brand and what it communicates to potential employers.

Since I only have today and tomorrow to dive into the first week's material, I'm going to get to the required reading assignments and some of the videos in the extra material section and reflect on them before the end of the weekend.

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