Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week 4 Plan

Week 4 has quite a few required articles to read!  I'm planning to dive into those early this week to get a sense of how business models are different when the web or mobile interfaces are involved.  Apart from all the required material, I'm hoping to read the article "Twitter turns 7" and watch the video about  eCommerce.  I find that whenever I am reading / listening / watching this material, my mind tends to wander to think about how it applies to the medical device industry.  I think what I want to focus on this week is just taking a broad view of the material and see how it applies to many different industries. I may be in the medical device industry now, and I do enjoy it, but I'm also open to what opportunities may come up in the future, so I need to consider that as I learn.

I didn't get a chance last week to dive into the team marketing assignment because of travel, but we did communicate about how to go about the assignment, so I know the plan, and this week, I will execute my part!  Additionally, I'll be working on the personal branding assignment as well.  When I read the description earlier today, it was hard not to get started on it right away.  When you enjoy what you're doing, it is fun and no longer work!

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